Articles by Amanda Womac

Significant Slumber

Are you a morning lark or a night owl? Do you struggle to get out of bed? Is your sleep cycle erratic? Why are teenagers so hard to wake up? It’s all about rhythm. ...Read More

Experimental Education

Finding solutions to complex energy problems such as storage, sustainability, and the impacts of climate change is vital to the survival of our planet. But because these ...Read More

Instruments of Change

Illustrations by Larry Davis, Spallation Neutron Source, ORNL Jason Hayward wants to change the world. More specifically, he wants to revolutionize the surgical tools doctors ...Read More

The Science of Art

What do the US Constitution, your car insurance policy, and the human genome have in common? Each one can now be translated into a fabulous work of digital art. All it takes ...Read More

Natural Resilience

When an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform occurred in 2010, just over 4 million barrels of crude oil were released into the Gulf of Mexico. Hundreds of ...Read More

A Remembrance

I remember playing Memory around the kitchen table late at night, eating ice cream sandwiches and laughing when we would forget where the lemons were. I remember exploring ...Read More

The Miracle Cat

Please note: I originally published this story on my first blog, The Cat’s Meow, in 2006. The miracle cat, Paka, is pictured above. I will never really know what happened ...Read More

Bonding with Lions

When I was a young girl, I used to lie in bed and watch the lions, cheetahs, tiger and other big cats stroll across my ceiling and walls in beautiful colors. All these ...Read More

New Energy on the Horizon

How can we create effective energy and fuels that are both efficient and better for the environment? Thanks to the Sustainable Energy Education and Research Center (SEERC), ...Read More
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