A Remembrance


I remember playing Memory around the kitchen table late at night, eating ice cream sandwiches and laughing when we would forget where the lemons were.

I remember exploring the formal living room and playing with the beautiful dolls Granny collected because she never had any as a child.

I remember being picked up from school, ballet, swimming, soccer or piano and chauffeured home in a huge beige Lincoln I though resembled a boat more than a car.

I remember playing make-believe, and when I wanted to be a cat, Granny would oblige and put my dinner in a dish on the floor while she and Granddad ate at the table, all the while wondering what on earth had gotten in to me.

I remember wheeling Granny around Belize, Mexico and South Carolina, enjoying the ocean breeze and summer sun on our faces.

And I remember when she got sick and it was my turn to the be the caretaker.

Throughout her life, Granny took care of the ones she loved. As a mother, wife, grandmother and friend, her energy and spirit grew with every passing moment and still lives in those whose lives were enriched by the relationship we all had with Granny. Thank you for loving us. We will always remember you.

For Miram Boyd Womac, “Granny,” September 15, 1915 – August 11, 2008.

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